Tutorials for new students in computational chemistry
Tutorial 12. Interactive -- Particle in a box in 1D
Learning objectives
Try the interactive python code to plot the 1D particle in a box wave function.
Observe the change of the wave function with different box lengths and quantum numbers.
1D particle in a box problem is almost always the first model system discussed in quantum chemistry courses. We want to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation
\[\hat{H}\psi = E\psi\]
for a 1-D particle. The particle moves in 1D, with a potential that models the walls of a box must not allow the particle to get out of the range $0\le x\le L$.
\[V(x) =
\infty & x<0 \textrm{ or } x>L\\
0 & 0 \le x \le L
The solution of 1D particle in a box:
0 & x<0 \textrm{ or } x>L\\
\psi_n(x) = \sqrt{2/L}\textrm{sin}(\frac{n\pi x}{L}), \ \ n=1,2,3\dots & 0 \le x \le L
Try and learn
Run the following code to see how the wave function shape changes with the quantum number $n$ and box length $L$ (both can be tuned interactively).
First, click “Activate” to activate the code block.
Once you see the buttons to “run” at the bottom left corner of the code block, click “run” to run the code.
Please be patient. Starting the kernel can be slow sometimes.
You will see a plot with two panels. Upper is $\psi$; lower is $\vert\psi\vert ^2$.
Play with the slider to select the quantum number you want. $n$ can be any positive integer. In this demo, we allow $n$ up to 100.
Enter the wanted box length (in atomic unit bohr) in the text box. In this demo, we allow $L$ to be any float number between 0.1 and 100 just for demonstration purposes. Theoretically, $L$ can be any positive number.
%matplotlibwidgetimportipywidgetsaswidgetsimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltdefpsi(x,n,L):returnnp.sqrt(2/L)*np.sin(n*np.pi*x/L)# Box length can be any float value between 0.1 and 100 inputed by the user
L_button=widgets.BoundedFloatText(description=r'$L$:',value=1.0,min=0.1,max=100.0,padding=8)# Quantum number can be any integer between 1 and 100
n_options=widgets.IntSlider(value=1,min=1,max=100,step=1,description=r'$n$:',disabled=False,)# Plot psi and |psi|**2 in two subplots
# First work on psi
plt.sca(ax1)plt.plot(x,psi(x,n,L))# Add a title
plt.title('Particle in a 1D box\n'+r'$L$='+str(L)+' bohr, $n$='+str(n))# Add y Label
plt.ylabel(r'$\psi$')# Draw the walls of the box
ymin=-np.sqrt(2/L)ymax=np.sqrt(2/L)margin=0.1#Allow 10% of margin for the x and y axis in both directions
ylo=ymin*(1+margin)# lower boundary for y axis
yup=ymax*(1+margin)# upper boundary for y axis
#Left wall
plt.plot([0,0],[ylo,yup],'gray',linewidth=5)#Right wall
plt.plot([L,L],[ylo,yup],'gray',linewidth=5)# Set grid
# Then work on |psi|**2 #
plt.sca(ax2)plt.plot(x,psi(x,n,L)**2,c='r')plt.fill_between(x,psi(x,n,L)**2,color='r',alpha=0.5)# Add X and y Label
plt.xlabel(r'$x$ (bohr)')plt.ylabel(r'$|\psi|^2$')# Draw the walls of the box
ymin=-2/Lymax=2/Lmargin=0.1#Allow 10% of margin for the x and y axis in both directions
ylo=ymin*(1+margin)# lower boundary for y axis
yup=ymax*(1+margin)# upper boundary for y axis
#Left wall
plt.plot([0,0],[ylo,yup],'gray',linewidth=5)#Right wall
plt.plot([L,L],[ylo,yup],'gray',linewidth=5)# Set the x and y ranges to display
The wavefunction is zero at certain points; these points are called nodes. How does the number of nodes change with $n$?
Where is the maximum of the probability distribution when $n=1$?
Where are the maxima of the probability distribution when $n$ takes large numbers, say 100? How does that relate to the result of classical mechanics?